Monday, 3 August 2009

Engaging Leadership

Engaging Leadership

A recent government backed report – Engaging for Success – looked at the role of Employee Engagement in surviving the recession and producing high level performance results. It concluded that better engagement could do more than
“ anything else “ for the success of UK businesses. Below are some highlights and thoughts on how you could make a difference.


The report outlined the enormous amount of evidence that higher employee engagement leads to better customer service and better financial performance.

Did you know that

- a massive study of 50 organisations and 664000 employees showed that high engagement lead to a 13% increase in net income whilst low engagement lead to a 4% decrease in net income
- on average people who feel engaged by their company only take 2.7 days per year sick absence whilst people with no sense of engagement take 6.2 days


The reports says you could focus on

- visible leadership
- clear shared vision
- treating people as individuals
- listen to your employees

I think that the frameworks provided in “Leading at a higher level “ by Ken Blanchard will give you some excellent ideas

In particular

1. SCORES – the six elements found in every high performing company
Shared information – so that everyone in the company can make the right decision

Compelling Vision – to energise and focus people

Ongoing Learning – changing and striving to get better

Relentless focus on Customers – an obsessive drive to keep customers

Energising systems – ensuring structures and processes are aligned to improving results

Shared power – teamwork, collaboration and engagement

You can see a full copy of the Engaging for Success report via